Plantain: properties and benefits of this spontaneous medicinal plant

Our ancestors used it often, both in cooking and as a natural remedy: the plantain lanceolate is one of the most present spontaneous medicinal herbs in our country and can be used for the preparation of infusions, tinctures and healing syrups .

The plantain is a spontaneous herbaceous plant that grows almost everywhere in our countryside, and belongs to the same family as the great plantain, the latter being different by its wider leaves.

In peasant tradition, plantain was used as a “first aid” remedy, so much so that an old peasant adage said that “the path to the plantain is shorter than the path to the doctor.”

Obviously, this plant cannot replace the doctor, but it still offers healing properties that should not be ignored, and which we list below.

Ribwort plantain contains flavonoids, iridoids, mucilage, tannins and minerals, all very rich in health benefits.

It is a plant that stands out for its relaxing and expectorant, toning of the mucous membranes, antispasmodic, anticatarrhal, healing and hemostatic action.

Ribwort plantain can be used in the following ways:

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