Plantain: properties and benefits of this spontaneous medicinal plant

Tincture: Take 3 to 5 ml (60 drops – 1 teaspoon) 3 times daily to combat catarrh or digestive problems, such as gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome.
Juice: Use the dried leaves to prepare a juice and take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day. This is used to fight cystitis, diarrhea and lung infections. You can also apply the juice on the wounds.
Infusion: Drink a cup 3 times a day to fight against phlegm. Use the infusion to gargle and soothe a sore throat.
Syrup: Add 225 grams of sugar to 300 ml of infusion and take 5 ml (1 teaspoon) to relieve sore throats and coughs.
Poultices: Grind the green leaves to make a poultice for slow-healing wounds or chronic ulcers. Also useful in case of insect bites.
Now that you know all the wonderful properties of the lanceolate plantain, the next time you see one, pick it up and try to use it: it is a wonder of nature.



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