He applies toothpaste on the cutlery, what happens a few minutes later: unexpected

What happens when you apply toothpaste on cutlery? Just wait a few minutes and you will never be able to do without it again.

No one has ever heard of this perfect marriage between cutlery and toothpaste. People are used to using this gel to brush their teeth, but few of them know that it can also be used for other purposes around the house. Cutlery is often attacked by limescale, which makes it ugly and gives it an annoying patina. Instead of finding harsh products that can damage cutlery, it is better to use something unexpected like toothpaste.

Blackened cutlery, what are the causes?

Silver or steel cutlery is present in every home. Whether it is a grandmother’s service or one purchased to make a good impression on guests, they must be continually preserved and properly cleaned.

coltello e forchetta

coltello and forchetta
The process of oxidation and limescale is inevitable over time. On the one hand, silver cutlery loses its rhodium plating, hence the need to polish it at least once a month to restore its former beauty.

On the other hand, silver cutlery tends to accumulate humidity until the unfortunate steel patina appears. Among the recommended remedies is toothpaste, the one normally used to brush your teeth.

Sometimes remedies that seem unthinkable become real allies for the home.

Toothpaste on cutlery: the expert method

If the steel or silver cutlery is blackened and scaled, it is important to use an effective and commonly used product. Products containing internal chemical substances should be absolutely avoided: not only do they pollute, but they risk corroding the cutlery even more.

Classic toothpaste is excellent for deep cleaning cutlery, although this method is hardly known to anyone.

toothpaste is applied in acciaio
To do this correctly, follow these steps:

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