He applies toothpaste on the cutlery, what happens a few minutes later: unexpected

dentifricio sulle posate in acciaio

Apply regular toothpaste to a soft, dry cloth;

Gently rub the cutlery;

Leave the product to act for a few minutes;

Rinse with lukewarm water;

Rinse with lukewarm water; Take a clean cloth and dry it well, removing all traces of water.

A quick and simple procedure to remove dirt and counter the oxidation process. To further improve the method, experts recommend adding a pinch of baking soda in the same way as above.

If the cutlery is completely blackened, leave the paste of toothpaste and baking soda for at least two hours to dissolve any oxidation that has been created. This is a natural method that does not damage silver or steel cutlery. If in doubt, carry out the method on only a small part of the cutlery or seek expert advice.



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