Bay leaves: just 3 are enough to perfume your entire house. Just do that!

Bay leaves: just 3 are enough to perfume your entire house. Just do that!

In traditional medicine,  bay leaves  are often used due to their  therapeutic properties . In fact, the aroma of bay leaf is known to everyone as  useful for relieving stress and even anxiety .

Already in ancient Rome these leaves were recognized as a symbol of glory and wisdom. In fact, they were used to create crowns that were later proudly worn by winners, poets and even great thinkers.

Today, however,  bay leaf is primarily used for its digestive ,  antibacterial  , and  anti-inflammatory properties .

On this page, for all these reasons, you will discover that by burning the bay leaf you will be able to spread all the properties mentioned above throughout your home . Clearly, you have to pay attention to the practice you are about to discover shortly. However, you have no qualms: once you figure out how to do it, it really is child’s play!

Bay leaves: use 3 leaves to scent the entire house!

First of all, you must be clear that  you should not burn more than 3 bay leaves  and to do so you must  necessarily use a terracotta pot and dry leaves .

But let’s go in order.

The process is really basic. You simply  need to burn 3 dry bay leaves with a lighter . Next, once  lit, you have to burn them in a container made of earthenware  so that you can spread all the aroma of these leaves throughout the house.

This quick and easy method will be a great remedy to naturally scent your home, but make sure the leaves are well dry.

Know the uses and properties of bay leaf



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