Unthinkable what happens if you put milk in the Mocha: maybe you don’t expect it

Did you know if you put the latte in the Moka? Ti spieghiamo perché dovresti farlo e come. Continue slowly.

Latte nella mocha

and the bar.

Milk in Mocha: why it is worth trying it

The Moka or caffettiera is a utensil that is never missing in Italian homes. Although it has often been supplanted by electric machines with pods to make coffee, it is still essential in the Italian breakfast.

The coffee maker as we know it was invented about 30 years ago and owes its name to the city of Moka, a port located in Yemen. The city was famous for being a coffee producer. The coffee maker can be made of different materials: aluminum , which makes it lighter, or stainless steel , which makes it much more solid. Among the favorites of Italians around the world, this model stands out because it can produce coffee with a unique flavor and keep it hot.

Mocha lovers should read this trick that we will explain below. In fact, not everyone knows that you can put milk in Mocha. It’s that extra touch to get a coffee like at the bar or, in some cases, even better.

latte nella Mocha

How to do it 

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