You need to start putting soap under your sheets

Restless legs syndrome is a very common phenomenon that arouses the curiosity of many of us.
Indeed, its nocturnal manifestation can be very bothersome in daily life, which ultimately leads to sleep disorders and restless nights.
Beyond the treatments prescribed in pharmacies to treat it, a very particular natural remedy has attracted a lot of attention: placing soap under the sheets.
Pharmaceutical treatments can quickly dent your budget, in addition to affecting your health due to their numerous side effects.
For some minor ailments, natural remedies are a great way to avoid potentially harsh medications while still doing your health some good.
According to many testimonies, placing a bar of soap under your sheets can treat restless legs syndrome without any difficulty.
Considered by some to be a scientifically unfounded myth, the positive feedback following its use is nevertheless promising regarding its effectiveness, even if we do not really understand the mechanism.
Restless legs syndrome
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