With this tip your house will stop smelling bad: you only need 2 ingredients

By combining just a few ingredients you can obtain a delicious product for the home, with a fragrance that helps leave rooms fresh and with a personalized aroma. Ideal for all seasons of the year, this natural fragrance also acts as a natural repellent.

The ingredients are the following:

rock salt;

Half cup fabric softener

Alcohol 1 tablespoon;

A handful of cloves to taste;

A container, preferably glass.

Preparing this natural perfume is easy, simply pour all the ingredients together into the small glass bowl. Start with the coarse salt, then add the softener, mix and add the alcohol. Mix for another 15 minutes or until smooth.

Add some cloves and mix, then place the remaining cloves on top of the created substance.

The natural perfumer has just been created with a combination of ingredients that make the difference. Salt is great for absorbing moisture and odors, while fabric softener makes the entire house smell great. Cloves activate the fragrance for at least a week.

In fact, once a week you will have to change the perfumer, recreating it as described above.



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