Washing machine, the toothbrush trick will save you money on your electricity bill

Sometimes, certain tools can help reduce expenses, no matter how unthinkable and particular they may be. Trying to limit the increase in bills is a daily obligation, and the tricks that  are put into action are truly many. .

One in particular refers to the washing machine, already tested by many people and confirmed as one of the most effective that exists. The leading tool of this method is the toothbrush, shall we clarify?

Among the appliances that consume the most in the home is the washing machine, one of the appliances that must be used every day to wash clothes. Obviously, the more clothes you wash, the more times you have to run this washing machine at high temperatures with very long programs.

At this point it is time to pick up the toothbrush. It is necessary to pre-treat the stains by rubbing on the fabric with the help of baking soda.

It is a quick and effective way to remove all types of dirt and stains, so that washing in the washing machine is short and energy is not wasted. What is the best way to do this? Take a teaspoon of baking soda and pour it on the stain on the fabric. Let it sit for a few minutes and then start scrubbing, without too much force so as not to damage the fabric.

Spazzolino and baking soda

Do you know the toothbrush trick from the washing machine? It is a great way to save a lot of money on your electricity bill. .

trick of spazzolino

There is a great  framework of questioning  that accompanies the Italians towards 2023. A new year that promises to be controversial in many ways, taking into account that everything goes up in all categories. For this reason, Italian families have the habit of searching and finding little tricks that reduce the bill at the end of the month. We are not talking about bonuses or aid, but about a fun method that can be used directly with the washing machine.; What are we talking about?  Let’s clarify.

Rising prices and high cost of living, the current situation

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