Use This Unbeatable Technique to Get Super Shiny Tiles!

6. Wipe to Shine
To achieve super shiny tiles, drying is essential. Use a clean, dry towel to wipe the surface of the tiles. This step will eliminate the last traces of humidity and leave your tiles sparkling.

7. Extra Tip: Use White Vinegar
If you find that your tiles still have traces of limescale or stubborn stains, white vinegar is your ally. Apply it directly to the affected areas, leave for a few minutes, then scrub gently with a scrubbing brush or sponge. Then rinse with clean water and dry.

By following this unbeatable technique, you will get super shiny tiles that will make your home look clean and neat. Remember to regularly maintain your tiles by cleaning them to prevent the build-up of dirt and residue, which will make them much easier to maintain and prolong their shine.



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