Toilet paper, the biggest luxury hotels hide this ingenious trick from us

It has happened to everyone at some point that toilet paper gets wrinkled and dirty when you take it out of its packaging. If you want to avoid this inconvenience and keep it tidy and hygienic, follow these simple steps. This is a trick used in the best hotels.

Start by folding its edges to form a central triangle. This will allow you to remove only one sheet at a time without creasing the roll of paper.

Now open the tap, let the water run and turn it off again. Now pass the part of the paper that you have folded under the closed tap, so that it wets the filter. The water should be enough for the leaves to stick together without getting them too wet.

ll trick of the hygienic letter used by negli hotel

Let the moistened part dry and now store it in the cabinet . This trick is also used in the best hotels so that the paper is aesthetically pleasing and does not open during use.

It not only makes the toilet paper more  hygienic , but also cleaner and easier to use. Try it and you will see that you too can always have it perfect.



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