This maintenance product is the most sold in supermarkets and it makes your oven shine in just a few minutes

The oven walls when dirty and caked can be difficult to clean. Know that in your fruit basket, you already have the ingredient you need. It’s about the lemon.  Popular for its freshness, its good smell and its degreasing and antibacterial properties, this citrus fruit is a multi-use product for naturally scrubbing the interior of the oven. To do this, you must proceed as follows:
Squeeze the juice of a lemon and pour it into a bowl. Dip a sponge in the container and moisten the walls of the oven. Leave the product on for a few minutes.
Squeeze the juice of another lemon and put it in a bowl that you will put in the oven. Turn it on to 180° and heat the oven for 30 minutes. This will soften dirt and residue and make it easier to remove. Then rub the walls of the oven with a sponge and that’s it!
– Newsprint
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