The ultimate tip for dusting all the furniture in the house

After dusting all your furniture, it is important to adopt certain actions to prevent the dust from returning quickly.
–  Close the windows:  since the dust comes from outside, it is important not to leave your windows open for very long. Favor ventilation for around 10 minutes, instead of keeping your windows open all day.
–  Install a doormat:  so that dust does not enter your home, install an absorbent doormat at the entrance  to eliminate as much dirt and dust as possible,  and another inside with high pile which allows ‘catching dust.
–  Remove carpets and rugs:  these retain a lot of dust. Just walk on it and the dust will disperse throughout the room. Instead, choose wooden flooring or tiles to decorate your home while avoiding dust.
–  Remove pet hair:  Pet hair attracts dust and deposits it on all surfaces in the house. To avoid this, it is important to brush your cat or dog regularly.
This paraffin-based tip will allow you to clean the dust that covers your furniture, and restore its shine, without scratching it or leaving lint.



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