The florist’s trick to make orchids bloom

Winter Care and Vegetative Awakening

These tropical gems are particularly suited for winter cultivation. Whether in bulb or rhizome form, they adjust well to cooler temperatures, preparing for a vibrant awakening in spring. But how can you ensure your orchid has everything it needs for a stunning bloom?

Romain Le Tallec’s Expert Tips for Orchid Care

In this guide, we share insights from Romain Le Tallec, a renowned florist from Lyon, on how to naturally accelerate the blooming process of your orchids at home.

Natural Fertilizers for a Spectacular Bloom

Banana Peel Magic: A fantastic source of vitamins and minerals, banana peels can be soaked in water to create a nutrient-rich solution for your orchids.

Eggshell Boost: Crushed eggshells, rich in calcium and potassium, can be sprinkled on the orchid’s soil for an added nutrient boost.

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