Stale air in the house, these plants help you clean it: a healthy touch for your health

What plants purify the air?

Let’s see which are the best indoor plants capable of absorbing humidity from the environment and at the same time helping to  eliminate humidity that sticks to walls, floors and ceilings:

  • Orchids

The orchid does not need to be in a pot to live. In addition,  it absorbs water from its environment thanks to its roots.

However, we must not forget that the orchid  must be placed in a bright place  and wetted approximately once a week with low-calcareous water.

A few simple actions will allow you to maintain not only good growth but also long flowering.

Orchids on the windowsill

In addition, this plant will be able to absorb  heavy air and bad odors, thus purifying the environment.

By absorbing moisture from the air, the roots strengthen, which is why the orchid  should be placed in humid rooms, such as the bathroom and kitchen.

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