Reviving a Wilted Orchid: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Gently rinse with water.
  • Apply a melted candle solution to the cut areas, forming a barrier against water infiltration.
  1. Garlic Water Solution:
  • Mince 3 cloves of garlic and immerse them in 1 liter of room-temperature water.
  • Allow the concoction to incubate for 1 day in a cool place.
  1. Orchid Soak:
  • Following the 24-hour incubation, strain the mixture.
  • Submerge the orchid branches in the garlic water for 20 minutes. Note: The leftover garlic water serves a dual purpose. It can be sprayed onto other orchids, functioning as a deterrent to insects and fungi, while concurrently stimulating root and flower sprout development.
  1. Planting and Initial Care:
  • After a 30-minute soak, proceed to plant the orchid.
  • Employ pine bark or dry pumice stone as a planting medium to aid in moisture absorption and prevent root rot.
  • Situate in a cool place for 1 week, refraining from watering during this period.
  1. Ongoing Nurturing:
  • Subsequently, ensure the orchid remains consistently moist.
  • Place it in a location with a temperature between 20-25 degrees Celsius, avoiding direct sunlight.
  • Periodically mist to maintain humidity, facilitating vitality and swift revival.

Advanced Care and Fertilization: 

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