Putting detergent on the toilet brush: this is the favorite trick of experienced housewives

Pour some scented dishwashing liquid onto the toilet brush. Let the aroma absorb well and clean the container with the brush. Same principle, you will quickly notice that the freshness is there!

Smell the trash can

It goes without saying, but of course it is necessary to empty the bathroom trash can every day. Otherwise, it will quickly be filled to the brim with various dirt: it is not surprising that odors remain in the room.
Once drained and well cleaned, it would now be good to perfume it: to do this, mix 2 cups of baking soda, 6 to 8 tablespoons of water and as many essential oils as you want. Pour them into silicone ice cubes and let them dry for 24 hours. The use of baking soda is not insignificant: this powerful cleaner has excellent disinfecting and deodorizing properties. In combination with the other ingredients, it effectively and quickly eliminates all bad odors.
Decorative air freshener

Here’s a good idea! Have you ever put potpourri in your bathroom or near the toilet? Excellent movement. In addition to the fact that they are not eternal, if you do not change them periodically their effect will be completely in vain. Here’s another alternative to try: take a small empty vase, sprinkle it with a dose of deodorant pearls and place an artificial flower on top. This adds a nice decorative touch to the room and gives the entire environment a special aroma. Again, don’t forget to take a look from time to time to see if the perfume is still as vibrant.

Perfume the bathroom with baking soda
As we mentioned previously, baking soda is a perfect ally for deodorizing different areas of the house. You can create your own homemade perfume with this versatile white powder. Here’s how to do it: Take a small glass, sprinkle it with baking soda and add a few drops of essential oil (citrus, lavender or vanilla). Place this bottle in a strategic place in the bathroom: a fabulous aroma will escape that will perfume the entire room. Don’t forget to replace the mixture regularly to refresh the area.

Pour white vinegar into the toilet tank.

Like baking soda, white vinegar is also a very popular natural product in the home. This cleaning master has incredible stain removal, disinfecting and deodorizing benefits. It is particularly useful for cleaning and disinfecting your bathrooms. How to use it: Empty the tank and close the tap. Take a spray bottle and pour half the bottle of white vinegar into it. Then spray the solution over the sides of the tank and into the container. Leave it on for at least two hours. Finally, use a brush to scrub the tank and remove any debris. Turn on the faucet again to flush the toilet. Everything is perfectly deodorized and renewed!
scented towels
Did you know that towels can also cause unpleasant odors in the bathroom? Especially if you don’t wash them regularly. Now is the time to do it: use white vinegar and baking soda to wash your towels in the washing machine. With two birds with one stone you will have perfumed your swimwear but also deodorized your device!

We just gave you some interesting tips on how to deodorize and perfume your bathroom, but the list is still long. Pleasant aromas can also be obtained through the presence of scented soaps, intoxicating aromatic candles and other similar items of natural origin.



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