Make sure to warm your oven up to 375°F (190°C) before beginning the cooking process.

Combine the salt and flour in a substantial bowl by using either a pastry cutter or two knives, and incorporate the butter into the mixture until it resembles rough, coarse crumbs.

One tablespoon at a time, gradually incorporate the cold water into the dry ingredients until a dough forms.

Once the dough has been equally spread out and lightly dusted with flour, roll it out to a thickness of 1/8 inch.

Using your hands, place the dough into a 9-inch pie dish, molding it to fit snugly against the bottom and sides. Cut off any additional dough that hangs over the edge.

In this step, a medium saucepan is all you need to whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, and salt.

Stir continuously while you gradually incorporate the beaten eggs, milk, and vanilla extract.

Keep stirring the mixture over a heat level between low and high until it reaches a boiling point and its consistency thickens.

After removing from the heat, whisk in 1 cup of coconut shreds, Stuff the pie crust with the filling mixture.

Sprinkle the remaining 1 cup of shredded coconut over the top of the pie.

To get the perfect pie, put it in the oven that has been heated ahead of time, and let it cook for a range of 30-35 minutes.

When the filling is firm and the top is a nice golden brown color, the pie is finished.

Let the pie cool completely before serving.

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To achieve the desired flaky texture in the crust, it is necessary to pre-cool the butter.
To maintain a steady sweetness, sweetened shredded coconut should be used in the filling and the topping of the pie.
The filling shouldn’t be overcooked because doing so could turn it rubbery. The filling should be creamy and rich rather than solid.
For optimal results, let the pie cool thoroughly before slicing and serving.



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