How to make aloe vera, just the root: 3 easy ways to root it all

The first way is to install, directly inside the large aloe vera leaf , the branch of the plant that we want and wish to grow. After inserting it inside the leaf, we can proceed by placing it inside the pot and pouring the necessary soil. Then we can water it.

The second way is to extract the aloe gel. All you have to do is  cut the aloe vera leaf in two and, with a knife, extract all the gel, being careful not to let it come out. To make sure it doesn’t, we recommend that you place a glass or any other container under the sheet that can somehow collect the liquid.

Radicare with aloe vera

Once this is done, transfer the liquid to the blender and start it. Let it become as liquid as possible and pour it into a pot into which you have already poured the soil. Then plant the branch of the plant you need to grow.

The third method consists of simply pouring a small percentage of aloe vera gel, without first passing it through the blender. This method can be especially useful with small plants, which do not need a large amount of rooting, just a little help.



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