How to do a pedicure at home with baking soda

Summer and winter alike, the beauty of feet is a subject that concerns all women, from the youngest to the oldest. Hydration, exfoliation, pedicure are all treatments that you have done at least once in your life and that have cost you a lot. Today you will discover a homemade recipe to pamper your feet.

Throughout the day, feet are subjected to heavy stress, sweat, dehydration, heat, uncomfortable shoes and fatigue, so it is common to see the skin of the feet dry, cracked or even cracked.

First of all, what are the causes of this unsightly problem:
dehydration of the skin is the main cause of cracked heels, when the skin lacks moisture it becomes dry and forms a thick plate to protect against aggression. As a result, the skin can no longer regenerate, a quick treatment can easily cure this ailment, otherwise the cracks can become painful and itchy.
A lack of vitamins and minerals (such as iron), diabetes and hypothyroidism can also cause dry skin. Other chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis can also contribute to skin dehydration.

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