How to clean the oven rack with a potato?

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You can use potatoes to revive your metal and stainless steel objects. It cleans the metal and eliminates traces of grease and oxidation. It will be perfect for cleaning your pots, pans, sink and faucets.

To remove traces of grease from your pan, sprinkle it with coarse salt then cut a potato in half and rub the mixture using circular movements. Rinse with lukewarm water and dry with a microfiber cloth.

For your silver or copper cutlery. Boil some potatoes and keep the cooking water aside. When your cooking water cools, immerse your utensils in the water and leave to soak for around thirty minutes. Then, rinse with clean water and dry everything with a soft cloth.

Potato cooking water is also a good natural detergent and use it to wash your floors. It naturally eliminates grease and bacteria. Use a brush broom and scrub your floor with this water. Let it dry, then mop it with clean water.

In addition to being a very popular food, potatoes can also be a great ally in your household chores.



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