Here’s how to scent your bathroom without using an air freshener

To eliminate bad odors, there is nothing better than the lemony freshness of this citrus fruit. Thanks to its citric acid, lemon overcomes stubborn tartar stains and also helps disinfect metal and glass surfaces. This citrus fruit is interesting since it leaves a fragrant lemon smell  which subtly spreads in the bathroom. To take advantage of this, you can rub half of a lemon on the bathroom or glass surfaces to clean and disinfect while deodorizing the room.
Here's how to scent your bathroom without using an air freshener
– Fabric softener as a deodorizer to perfume
To prepare this special bathroom scent, simply mix a tablespoon of fabric softener and half a cup of water in a spray bottle. Shake everything to mix well then spray on the towels to perfume them. These leave a sweet scent in the bathroom
– The scented toilet brush
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