Goodbye to mealybugs, aphids, slugs and pests on plants: all you need is this product

Aphids are tiny insects that feed on the sap of leaves and stems. They can be  yellow, red, white and green . Although they are very small, they are really dangerous: they can cause the death of the plant in a few days .
Aphids  attack indoor, garden and terrace plants alike . You will recognize them because they adhere en masse to the leaves and stems of the plants .
3. Snails
Even  snails , as harmless as they may seem, are actually dangerous pests.  Capable of devouring leaves and fruits in a single night , you will know that they have visited your plant by the  slimy trail they leave in their wake. .
Lumaca che mangia foglia
If you are also looking for a solution to say goodbye to mealybugs, aphids, slugs and plant pests , then you should make  this natural insecticide . Only then can you solve the problem.
If you don’t take immediate action, know that  pests can actually ruin your plants  to the point of death. Our solution will save your green jewelry.
Say goodbye to mealybugs, aphids, slugs and plant pests with this insecticide
To get rid of  mealybugs, aphids, slugs and other pests on plants , it is not necessary to resort to  chemical or toxic insecticides  that can only create more damage.
We want to share with you  a secret  that we are sure will be very useful to you. Today you will learn how to  make an effective insecticide  that will allow you to say goodbye forever to all  the pests that attack your plants. .
To make this solution, you need some ash . That’s right, that is the ingredient that will allow you to protect your plants. Below we explain how you should proceed. First of all, you should know that  ash is rich in minerals and is an excellent fertilizer for flowers, plants, leafy vegetables, fruits and cereals .
Cenere per sbarazzarsi dei parassiti sulle piante
Get  a graduated beaker and fill it one-third full with ash . Fill the rest of the container with hot water and mix well. For a more powerful effect, you can add a tablespoon of neutral soap .
When the liquid has cooled, strain it through a strainer and pour it into a spray bottle. You now have your super powerful insecticide ready. Now the only thing you have to do is water your plants and especially the leaves  because that is where the pests settle. You can use this solution once a week for at least a month or until you see your plant recover.
We assure you that with this remedy, you can really get rid of mealybugs, aphids, snails and other plant pests . This way you will save your plants. In addition to ash, you can also get  other natural ingredients  to scare away pests. An example? Garlic . Throw a clove and soak it in water for 24 hours . Next, spray the solution on the leaves of your plants: goodbye pests!
You can also prepare a powerful insecticide with vinegar. Pour 2 tablespoons into a liter of water and pour the liquid into a sprayer . Soak the leaves of your plants with this solution and you will see how  aphids and slugs  will be just a bad memory for your plants.



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