Easy Toilet Fizzy Bombs

Mix and mold

As you keep adding liquid to the dry ingredients, you’ll see small clumps forming. Continue stirring and misting until you’ve used 2/3 of the liquid in your bottle.

Now try molding it!

Get a small amount in your hand to make a fist. If it clumps well — it doesn’t need to be completely moist or wet! — it’s ready to press into the mold.

TIP: Wait a few minutes before you add additional water to your mix.

Keep in mind the ideal mix should be slightly dry, rather than a sticky paste.



The moisture will activate the citric acid and start a reaction between the citric acid and the baking soda.



CAUTION: If you add too much liquid, your mix will expand and start the fizzing now, instead of later.

Step 8: Press into mold



With your mix ready, it’s time to pour into your mold. Silicone molds are best, since they’re easy to demold.


Pinch a small amount from your container and press into the mold. You may need to add a bit more to fill it to the top. Fill each one until you’re done.


TIP: Don’t have a mold handy? Use your hands to make small balls.

The mix yields a full mold, about 28 hearts. You can use half the amounts for a smaller batch.


Cover and let it dry for a few hours. You can wait up to a day or two, but keep in mind they won’t dry in the silicone mold.

Step 9:

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