DIY Cinder Block Bench: Cute Outdoor Seating

I had square cinder blocks leftover from another project that I used to raise them.

Add TSP to the soap canister in the power washer, or fill a 2 gallon bucket with water and ¼ cup of TSP and wash down the blocks, if hand washing, use the scrub brush to help remove dirt and oil.

Let these dry in the sun at least a day, and flip them at least once. The blocks must be completely dry before you paint them or the paint will peel.

It may take more than a day to dry, especially if it’s not sunny. Wind will help.

You may notice in the photo that there are also concrete blocks, if you missed it in the intro above, those are for the upcoming planter box add-ons.

Step 2. Prime And Paint The Blocks

Spray a coat of primer onto the blocks. Make sure to thoroughly coat the cinder blocks so the pores are filled, also don’t forget to get inside the holes.

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