Covering the pan with a plastic bag: what’s the point of doing that?

In most homes, and probably yours too, you will have some pots and pans in your cupboards or drawers that are burnt on the outside or inside  and in which the original color can barely be seen.

Padelle rovinate

These inconveniences occur not so much due to  lack of care  but due to  the frequent use we make of our dishes  or due to  food remains or stains  that we never manage to effectively degrease.

When  the burn is external , it is not enough to arm yourself with nets or super-powerful cleaners to carry out this tedious work, but you must be especially careful because inappropriate products or abrasive sponges can only shorten the life of our pan even further.

However, there is a trick , that few people know, that will save your life but especially that of your dishes. Many are trying the trick revealed by the most experienced housewives and that is  to put a plastic bag over the pan .

But why should you too? We explain the procedure step by step  and, above all, what you will achieve at the end. The first thing you have to do is take a bottle of Coca-Cola  and pour it into a container – you will only need one cup – then add two tablespoons of baking soda and start mixing .

Pour two tablespoons of liquid dish soap and one tablespoon of salt , and mix well. Now pour the mixture into a plastic bottle – perhaps the same one as Coca-Cola – and close it with a perforated corkscrew.

Now comes the fun part. Take the dirtiest, burnt frying pan you have at home and wrap it in a plastic bag. < Don’t close it completely! In fact, there should be enough room to pour the solution you created earlier with  coke  and the other ingredients indicated on the back of your ruined pan.

Once this step is done, you can seal your saucepan with the bag and let it sit for at least an hour. After this time, remove the bag and you will see that the dirt on the back will have almost completely dissolved .

Plastic bag technique

Now arm yourself with an abrasive sponge or classic kitchen scrubbers and start scrubbing the back of your pan. You will see that in a matter of seconds you will have a shiny, shiny and impeccably clean pan as if you had just bought it.

Here is the  secret to keeping tableware perfect and intact  for as long as possible. Did you know this method? We are sure that if you try it, you won’t be able to do without it. Of course, there are other ways to clean burned or damaged pots as well.

For example,  do you know the coarse salt and aluminum foil trick ? How to proceed in this case? You simply sprinkle salt on the outside of the pan, then roll up some aluminum foil and use it like a sponge. Rub it for a few minutes and you will see how  the blackness or burn on the back of your pan  will be just a bad memory.

Lastly, we also have another technique for you, which involves  using baking soda and vinegar . These two elements combined can also solve the problem of pans burning on the outside.

I confront padelle

In this case, you have to turn the pan over and place it on a kitchen towel. Next, with a spoon,  cover the entire damaged area with baking soda  on which you will place a couple of sheets of kitchen paper.

Finally add  a tablespoon of white vinegar  and leave your pan untouched for a few hours. After this time, remove the paper and you will see that the dirt will have softened. Then, with a simple sponge, you can remove the remains of dirt : your pan will be like new again.



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