Carrot Cake Bars

In a medium bowl, add in the cream cheese and sugar. Beat with a hand mixer until smooth.
Add in the egg yolk and vanilla extract. Beat until smooth and creamy.
Add about half of the carrot cake batter into the pan and spread it out with an off-set spatula.
Add half of the cheesecake batter to the carrot cake batter. Do this by dropping dollops of batter over the carrot cake batter. Don’t swirl yet.
Add the remaining carrot cake batter on top of the cheesecake batter and around the cheesecake batter.
Add the remaining cheesecake batter by adding dollops on top of the carrot cake batter.
Using a knife or skewer, swirl the batters together. Swirl as much or as little as you like.
Bake for about 35-40 minutes until the edges are golden brown. There will be very little jiggle to the center.
Cool completely before cutting. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.



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