Blueberry Lemon Creme Cake

Prepare the Cake Layers:

Preheat your oven according to the cake recipe’s instructions.
Prepare your cake batter, incorporating lemon zest and juice for the lemon flavor.
Bake the cake layers according to the recipe’s instructions and allow them to cool completely.
Make the Cream Filling:

In a mixing bowl, beat the heavy whipping cream until soft peaks form.
In another bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth.
Gradually add powdered sugar and lemon zest to the cream cheese and beat until well combined.
Gently fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture until you have a smooth and creamy filling.
Assemble the Cake:

Place one cake layer on a serving plate.
Spread a layer of the cream filling over the cake layer.
Sprinkle a handful of fresh blueberries over the cream filling.
Place the second cake layer on top and repeat the cream and blueberry layers.
If your cake has more layers, continue alternating cream and blueberry layers.
Decorate the Cake:

You can either frost the entire cake with the remaining cream filling or leave the sides exposed for a naked cake look.
Decorate the top of the cake with more fresh blueberries and perhaps some additional lemon zest.
Chill and Serve:

Refrigerate the cake for a few hours before serving. This helps the flavors meld and the cream filling to set.
Slice and serve your delicious Blueberry Lemon Cream Cake!
Remember that the specific recipe and instructions may vary depending on your preferences and the recipe you’re following. Always consult a reliable recipe source for precise measurements and steps. Enjoy your homemade dessert!



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