Banana Bread

How to Prepare:
To prepare this moist and flavorful Banana Bread, start by mashing ripe bananas and mixing them with melted unsalted butter. Stir in granulated sugar, egg, and vanilla extract, then gradually add the dry ingredients to form the batter. Optionally, fold in chopped nuts for added texture. Bake until a toothpick comes out clean and let it cool before slicing.

Preparation Time:
The preparation time for this Banana Bread is approximately 15 minutes, while baking takes around 50-60 minutes, resulting in a delightful loaf of goodness.

This Banana Bread recipe yields one loaf, making it perfect for enjoying over a few days or sharing with family and friends.

Optional Variation:
For a tropical twist, add a half cup of shredded coconut to the batter before baking.

In conclusion, Banana Bread is a timeless classic that captures the delightful essence of ripe bananas. Its moist and flavorful profile, combined with the comforting aroma, makes it a beloved treat for all ages. Whether enjoyed on its own or with a slather of butter, this easy-to-make banana bread is perfect for any time of the day. So, embrace the sweetness of overripe bananas and savor the warm and comforting goodness of Banana Bread, creating cherished memories with every slice.



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