How to remove grease from wooden furniture in your kitchen

Maintaining cleanliness at home can be exhausting, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. Being two places that we are in every day, they get dirty very easily, which makes it somewhat difficult to keep everything clean as it was before.

Now, wooden kitchen furniture is a real headache. Since it is made of this material, grease tends to stick very easily and if we do not clean it in time, it sticks to the point of not being able to remove it with anything.

Although there are products that allow you to remove grease in a very simple way, these can damage the wood and give it an old or deteriorated appearance. To avoid this problem, we can resort to 2 cleaning tricks so that the wood of your furniture is clean and like new.

The tricks are:

1- Baking Soda

Ingredients to need:

  • Sodium Bicarbonate c/n
  • sponge (traditional)

How to use:

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