If you want a clean and fragrant oven, use these two ingredients after each use

Clean and fragrant oven? No problem, you only need two ingredients to apply after each cooking session.

Lievito fresh and lemon in the oven

What to do when the  oven is completely dirty ? In most cases, people tend to buy all types of chemicals in the market. Actually, professionals recommend two natural ingredients that can turn you into a clean and fragrant oven . The movements are simple and even for those who do not have the time to dedicate to this practice, you will be able to achieve something unique with this substance. Let’s be clear  about the ingredients and the procedure?

Dirty oven, only two ingredients needed

Needless to say, cooking with the oven has become a pleasant habit for most Italians. It is about heating something  already made or preparing traditional dishes, spreading a great smell throughout the house.

The unpleasant part is what comes immediately after preparing these delicacies, with dirty and greasy oven surfaces . Therefore, it is necessary to take immediate corrective measures.

sporco forno

The ingredients  to prepare an excellent oven cleaning solution are very few, but very important:

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