Put 3 grapes in a pot filled with soil – what happens 10 days later

What happens if you put 3 grapes in a pot filled with soil? Here’s what happens after just 10 days.

Many try this system: put 3 grapes in a vase containing earth. What happens after 10 days? Let’s find out together.

Grapes, all the properties of this incredible fruit
Grapes are not only a delicious fruit but also very healthy, did you know that? A natural source of vitamins and mineral salts, it is an extraordinary ingredient to take care of our body.


However, few people really know the virtues of grapes. Today we discover them together. First of all, we must make a distinction between wine grapes and table grapes.

The first undergoes special treatment and manufacturing, and is cultivated precisely to obtain this delicious nectar that is wine. The second is intended for consumption, sweet but less caloric than the first.

Black grapes (including red-pink-purple varieties) and white grapes (including yellow-rimmed varieties) are rich in fiber, potassium but also in certain phytonutrients such as resveratrol which has antioxidant properties capable of protecting our body from the onset of cardiovascular diseases. and joint pathologies

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