Grande Biblio: Cut 1 lemon into 4 parts and put salt on it… This tip will change your life!

Full of nutrition, this bright yellow citrus fruit kills viruses and bacteria. Its scent promotes calm and a feeling of well-being while its oil cleans and disinfects. Lemons help us breathe better, think better and sleep better. Additionally, they alkalize our body to keep body chemistry in balance.
In every detox drink, lemons cleanse the liver, fight inflammation, regulate blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Additionally, the antioxidants and anti-inflammatories found in lemon attack cancers, relieve pain and boost metabolism. The fruit is good for hair and skin too, from its astringent properties to its carcinoma-killing abilities. It seems like we can’t say enough about this sour fruit. Here are some uses for lemons you might not have thought of.

1.lemon and salt: Kitchen air freshener
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