Another very effective time-saving trick is cleaning while you wait for another task to finish..

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For example, if you are cooking and have to wait for the water to boil to put down the pasta, in the meantime sweep the floor or clean the kitchen cabinets.

This way you will fill the dead times, during which you couldn’t have done anything else anyway, and you will recover precious time for rest a little on the couch in the afternoon.

Saving strength

To save strength, but also some time,you have to do things effectively, devising efficient cleaning methods.

It is an unnecessary waste to do things wrong, because then you risk having to do them again. Let’s see together some tricks to save energy. .

Clean the windows when the sky is cloudy

When you clean the window panes and it is sunny, the rays run the risk of drying out the products leaving halos, unsightly marks that are difficult to remove. delete.

Clean your windows when the sky is cloudy, to avoid having to spend too much time removing stains that wouldn’t be created without the sun.

Clean from top to bottom

Pay attention to the order in which you clean. If you start by sweeping the floor and then move on to dusting the shelves, you run the risk of dust accumulating on the floor again.

To do this, wipe the cloth from top to bottom, so that it is only necessary to clean the surfaces once, preventing dirt from the upper part is deposited in the lower part that has already been previously cleaned.

Save money

Everyone likes to save a little money at home and there are ways to do it that not only help your pocket, but also to the environment.

Using the dishwasher in ECO mode

Putting the dishwasher in ECO mode will save you energy and, consequently, money. It will take longer to finish, but this does not mean spending more.

Load the washing machine at night or first thing in the morning

Loading and running the washing machine in the morning or at night will save you money, because at those times of day the energy costs are lower than during the rest of the day.

Buy multipurpose products

Buying a multipurpose product, to use on different surfaces and for different tasks,will save you money compared to buying several bottles.

This is also because several products may not be consumed before their expiration date and are thrown away because they are no longer usable. On the other hand, if you choose to buy a single detergent or cleaning product for several uses, you will surely be able to finish it without wasting it.

Adopting these simple tricks will help you save time, effort and money in a simple way, without even having to put in the effort.

Try it and you will see that your domestic life will improve considerably and you will be much more satisfied!



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