5 gardener’s secrets for growing an avocado tree

If you happen to buy avocados that are green and not quite ripe, you can ripen them at a good temperature by putting them in a brown paper bag.

By adding an apple to the bag, you can speed up the process, since the apple will release ethylene which will allow the fruit to ripen quickly.

It is possible to freeze the avocado by pureeing it and adding a teaspoon of lemon juice.

To avoid discoloration of the avocado, only prepare it when ready to serve it or put it in the refrigerator, covering it with cling film.


Avocado contains a large amount of vitamin K which is necessary for blood clotting.

Therefore, people who are taking anticoagulant treatment must limit their consumption.

Some people allergic to latex may also be allergic to avocado since it contains the same compound, namely hevein, which is believed to be responsible for this allergy.



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