10 reasons why you should never dump pickle juice down the drain

Pickles are delicious — juicy, briny and sour. You can have them in a sandwich or with a cheese platter or on their own. There are endless ways to enjoy pickles. And after they’re gone, you just tip the juice down the sink, right?
Stop! Turns out pickle juice actually has a ton of uses, so when you’ve finished with the pickles, put the jar back in the fridge. Whether you’ve got an upset tummy or a houseplant in need of reviving, that jar of pickle juice is your answer.

1. Pickle more stuff!
The juice in your pickle jar isn’t wedded to pickles. You can throw a ton of items in there.
2. Soothe acid reflux.
Pickle juice is full of vinegar, and vinegar is great for the stomach. Acid reflux is often caused by not having enough normal acid in the stomach, and the vinegar helps by introducing more acetic acid into the digestive tract. Acetic acid is also effective against some bacteria and microbes.
3. Make your steaks tender.
You can also use the leftover pickle juice as a marinade for your pork chops or steak. Try adding different herbs, garlic and spices to experiment with flavor.

4. Relieve muscle cramps.
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